CHILDREN are being invited to attend the choosing this Sunday of the retinue for this summer’s Lostock Gralam Funday Fete.

The fete is being held at Lostock Gralam Community Centre on Sunday, July 19, and the annual retinue selection takes place at the centre in Stubbs Lane at 1pm.

Children up the age of 13 who would like to be considered for the various categories are invited to attend.

The various roles, including the Lostock Gralam Rose Queen, Little Miss Lostock and the crown bearer will be chosen on the day by Lostock Gralam parish councillors.

If you would like your child to take part please come along on the day or contact Wendy on 07746 736171.

The fete organisers will be holding a number of events in the build-up to the community celebration, including a fundraising family prize bingo night.

It takes place at the community centre on Friday, March 27, and it’s eyes down at 7pm.