THE headline story in last week’s edition of the Winsford Guardian advised us that planning permission was being sought to build a thermal processing plant (that’s an incinerator to you and me) on the Winsford Industrial estate.

Matthew Conway, a director of the applicant company stated the ‘feedstock’ being delivered to the site was “material no one else wants, like off-cuts of cloth and wood that can’t be re-used”.

Mr Conway did not explain why it is proposed to deliver such harmless materials as cloth and wood to the site in sealed vehicles.

Mr Conway did admit that the process they want to operate has never been tried before in the UK.

The site will operate for six days per week, 24 hours per day and it is claimed that when fully operational will employ 500 workers.

It is assumed that this will mean around 160 workers on each shift.

Mr Conway admits this is an unproven process and yet goes on to say the process is clean and not dangerous.

How does he know?

What is the chimney for, if it is not to send the waste chemical gases into the atmosphere?

I trust the invitation to meet with Mr Conway apparently on its way to Winsford Town Council will be extended to all councillors and not just the chosen few.

Cllr Malcolm Gaskill Winsford Town Council